I hope you all have had a lovely Easter, whatever it is that you may have got up to.Easter is a special time for me, possibly as it feels like Spring has sprung (usually!!), the start of something new, exciting, something different, some change and although as Humans we are not big fans of change, I’ve grown to like and embrace change as it is really the only way we can keep growing and expanding.

So, this Easter is extra special for me as it is my first Wedding Anniversary, part of me cannot believe that a year has gone past already and the other part of me looks at the change that has happened in my life over the year and wonders how that all fits into only one year!

Marrying my lovely man could have been seen as a huge scary step, especially after having been a single parent for 18 years, but, it really didn’t feel like that.

For me, it felt right, natural, no question, no wobbles, just happiness, and a deep sense of it feeling right. I just knew it was completely the right thing to do.

So, you might be wondering what has this got to do with Everest?


It was Easter, 5 years ago that I made an epic 19 day trek to Everest Base Camp.⠀⠀
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When the opportunity arose, I must have thought about it for literally a minute – I knew I had to do it. At that time in my life, I felt so lost. I had lost all sense of who I was, what I wanted from life and where I was going. I felt adrift and I knew deep in my heart that if I didn’t take action now, then the ME I knew would be lost forever.⠀⠀
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I know it sounds dramatic, but even to this day, I can recall how powerful that feeling was. I knew that I had to spend time by myself, out of my environment, away from everything and everyone to discover who I was again and what I was capable of.⠀⠀
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That decision change my life in so many ways. That was the start of my journey, the journey of re-discovering who I was, expanding my awareness, my consciousness and getting to Be Me again.
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There are times when we all have to push ourselves well outside our comfort zone to grow! We don’t like it, it’s called comfort zone for a reason, but if we don’t, then nothing will change and we will remain stuck.

At times we don’t even realise how stuck we have become,

but when that moment hits,

when you know,

when you are so sure,

that the time is right – you have to step outside of your comfort zone,

you have to explore what is out there,

and also what is in there,

deep within yourself,

waiting for you to realise the time is now.

I came back different, ready, open and willing to make all sorts of changes that altered the course of my life, that opened so many more doors, that propelled me on this journey of self-discovery – Everest was my Catalyst.

So, what is your Everest?

Have you reached that place when you know that life has to change, when you are ready to embrace all of you and all that life has to offer?

What is your Everest?

Your time is now 🙂

Be the very Best Version of You that You can be!