I hope you have all had a lovely summer break, enjoyed some warm weather, managed to slow down a little, take some ‘ME’ time, spend more time with the people you love, spend time in nature, spend time doing the things that make your heart sing 🙂

September has always been a very significant time for me (not just because it’s my birthday!), but as I follow the school timetable, it is really our new year.  So, I spent a lot of July/August thinking about how I can improve Balance, what needs changing, what’s working, what’s not, what else I can offer, how to attract more of my Ideal clients and so on………

But, I also spend time thinking about me, my life. I like to check in on my Intentions – am I still moving forwards, am I going to achieve my Intentions, have they changed, what am I loving about my life, what isn’t working for me, am I being true to myself, where could I improve, what would bring me more Joy?

I think we sometimes forget to do that – we get caught up in so many things that might not be bringing us enough of what we want.  Sometimes, we get so caught up in our roles – be that parent, child, sibling, employee, employer, gender, age, culture, society….we literally get so caught up with these expectations of what we should be/do/act/look like etc that we forget to be US.

Interesting though, all those roles are TOTALLY made up and yet we live by them?! Those roles are made up by the society/culture that we live in, they change and evolve to suit different times and different beliefs (and usually those in power) and yet we seem to take them onboard as truths.

Even more interesting is where they originate, why they originate and how they become to be seen as truths.

So, during my ponderings over August, I came to the conclusion that I am going to live my life by my rules: it’s up to me to define what is important for me, it’s up to me to decide what I am happy to accept or reject, it’s up to me to simply show up as ME, no more, no less. For the one thing I have learnt is that if you try to please everyone, if you are not true to yourself , then you will always be in turmoil and never really live the life that we all desire.

With only one quarter of this year left to go, have a quick look back and see if you’ve lived this year in alignment with your values, your beliefs, your desires……

So far this year I have:

  • Hosted a large family Christmas
  • Gone away for New Year
  • Written many articles for the Nottinghamshire Aspect magazine
  • Investigated extending my house (now changed my mind)
  • Been to Cirque du Soleil in London
  • Run a Slim Forever workshop with Ros & Susan
  • Attended a Dax Moy course
  • Been to the theatre numerous times
  • Done Chinese New Year in Nottingham with the kids
  • Gone walking in Derbyshire
  • Had Ros at Balance for a few months, introduced me to RTT
  • Hosted a coffee morning at Balance
  • Date Nights
  • Reiki level 2
  • Eden Hall
  • Took my grandson swimming weekly
  • Got Married – Mrs Bottrill
  • Fabulous honeymoon around some national parks in the US
  • Flew in a helicopter
  • Wedding celebration with family
  • Part time step-mum to 4 kids
  • Took on a new teacher – welcome Daisy
  • Reformer training
  • Hosted many well being sessions
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Lots of Mama time (grandkids)
  • Had facials
  • Went to ‘A’ Fest
  • Read at leat 30 books
  • Splendour and got very wet
  • Berlin for my daughters 30th
  • Online Conversations with God course
  • Lunch date with my son
  • Girls’ nights out
  • Walking most evenings
  • Qualified in Rapid Transformational Therapy
  • Set up Life Rethink
  • Escapology in Nottingham………………..
Most have been lived according to ME and my values.  I’ve occasionally taken the wrong route, but by listening to what I really desire, I have got back on track pretty quickly. Of course I’ve had sad times and bad times – who doesn’t – but I can definitely say that I have lived 2017 by my rules 🙂


Be the very Best Version of You that You can be!