When you read that statement, it probably makes total sense to you and I’m sure we are all aware of this, especially if we are referring to exercise, like Pilates. We know that we need to attend classes regularly and to keep practising the moves so that we get better and better at doing Pilates. We also know that you need a really good teacher who helps, guides, shows, corrects and assists you in your practice: as one of my lovely clients says, “If you want to be good, it’s perfect practice you need to be doing”. If you just practised at home, without guidance, then you may be practising a move all wrong, but because you are doing it regularly at home, you will become so good at doing the wrong move (although it will feel right to you).

You know that and I know that and that is why all you lovely clients keep coming to classes and many of you have been with me for the past 18 years (this May)! You are always learning, developing and expanding your Pilates practice – you wouldn’t do it any other way. You know the benefits of a class and you are committed to doing that for your Mind and Body.

Now, I know you know there is a however coming………so, are you aware of what you are practising, on a daily basis with your mind, with your thoughts and actions? You see, most of us think the same thoughts (or very similar thoughts) most days. These are often negative thoughts, self-deprecating thoughts, thoughts about how bad things are, how short of money/time we might be, how someone has upset us, grumpy thoughts and yes, as we keep on allowing these thoughts, practising these thoughts, we start to become really good at them!

We all know someone who moans incessantly, has nothing good to say about anything or anyone, well, they have simply become very good at what they’ve been practising.

What about the person who is always late, yep, they’ve practised that too, so often, that they are now experts at being late.

What about over-indulging, over-eating or drinking too much – lots of practice going on here.

What You Practise you become really good at!

When you think about it like this, it makes you realise we need to be very aware and a little more careful of what we are practising. Let’s spend some time noticing this week what we are actually practising in our lives and if it’s really something we want to be really good at.

I have been practising for many years now to respond and not to react, to aim for the highest outcome, not one that just suits me best, to be open to new ideas, concepts, to explore and expand and to operate from the heart. It’s not always been easy, I’ve made loads of mistakes! I still do, but, I am so much better, it comes so naturally now to me and that’s because I’ve practised and practised the things that help me with this, the understanding of myself, meditation, breath work, heart-based thinking, expanded consciousness, mindfulness, body work and movement.

I practise consistency and it really does get results

Of course I can help you to dramatically change your life using RTT, you only have to read my testimonials, but you have to do your part. You have to practise being aware of your new beliefs, practise acceptance of your new beliefs, practise taking responsibility for listening to the recording of you new beliefs, as that’s the only way you will become really good…

Practice, and consistence practice at that 🙂

Be the very Best Version of You that You can be!