We ran a fabulous Pelvic Floor workshop on Saturday – it was great fun, Cherry has a wicked, northern sense of humour and you need a sense of humour when you’re talking about Pelvic Floor issues!

Having a healthy, toned Pelvic Floor is so important for us all and we all learnt some new things that will help us keep our pelvic floors working well. As usual, one of the most important things for me was CONSISTENCY – we are all so bad at this!  We start with all the right intentions and then only a week later, it’s all gone to pot, we just stop!

Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes in life – everything requires consistency…notice I said consistency and not hard work.  Whether you consider it hard work is a matter of perspective (Mindset! ), but we cannot escape the fact that if we want results we have to be consistent. The good news is, for those of us who attended, you’ll now appreciate why we squat all the time, why we work on glutes and all the muscles around the pelvis, the inner thigh connection…….and hey if you weren’t there, don’t worry you might not realise it but all these exercises help towards keeping your pelvic floor healthy! I know it’s hard to be consistent at home, there always seems something else to do….let’s face it, we are really only consistent if we are in pain, or we have issues, or we are specifically working towards a goal……but think how much your body would appreciate you doing just a little bit on a regular basis?!

That’s why you come to class 🙂  Thats the reason why you have been coming for years and years and years – it helps us to be consistent 🙂

You will have noticed that this is the first year we are running through until mid August and guess what most of you are coming to your regular class, not only that but if you’re missing your class you are catching up 🙂 Yay – Consistency :))

This year instead of stopping for 6 weeks, losing some of that lovely consistent work, losing some strength and losing lots of flexibility – this year you will feel fabulous as you are being consistent!  The rewards speak for themselves – your body will be thanking you all through the summer!