This week I’m actually sitting outside on my patio, sun shining brightly, laptop on my lap ready to write this week’s blog. It was a gorgeous morning so me and the hubster got up and out for 7 am to do our daily walk and how lovely was that. We talk all the way around, it takes us just a little over an hour, and it is our time to discuss how we’re feeling, what’s different in our worlds of work and whether we need to make any changes. I love this ritual of walking and talking, it really helps me to get everything in perspective, and gives me a different viewpoint on things that I may be struggling with.

After that, I attended Pippa’s fabulous Pilates class, I attend at least one of hers a week and often more than that. It is my time to do exercise for me, to take care of my health and well being and Pippa does the same, I often see her smiley face pop up in one of my classes. It is good to know that we practice what we preach!!

A quick smoothie, then a Zoom call with the lovely Louise to help me set up my Blue Yeti (microphone). I have been struggling with a hoarse voice when I am doing more than one class in a row, partly because I am using the microphone on my laptop and partly due to the distance between myself and my laptop, so I’m having to project my voice far more than usual…….so I decided a microphone was the way forward…..and a lovely shiny new blue yeti arrived at my house. After much frustration, it is now set up and I’m excited to be using it for my classes and to give my voice a well-deserved break.

I have been spending more time researching as I am trying to find a reliable, quick and easy way to get videos of our classes to my website and new Facebook group page so that you will be able to access them. I’m working on it and hope very soon for it to be up and running – watch this space! It really is exciting times and I’m thrilled with what we are able to offer you all online.

The private Facebook group, Balance Online, is for all Balance clients, so if we are not connected on FB, please add me as a friend and then I can add you, or search Balance Online and request to be added – I have added those that I am already connected with, but that is not that many of you.

So, you might be thinking, this is all very interesting but what exactly is the point of this week’s blog…….

Well, the point is that over the past few weeks I have been writing about what I am enjoying about the lockdown, what the benefits have been for me, reflecting on what I’m not happy with in my life, that I need to change and so on.

Which is great, AWARENESS is the first step towards changing anything – you will all have heard me say that so often. However, if I stop there, nothing changes – nope, nothing. I have to take ACTION and do something different for any meaningful change to take place. Simply noticing that I feel better is a start, but then I have to work out why I feel better and then, the part that really counts, is that I have to take action to change some of the things that I’ve been doing that are no longer bringing happiness into my life.

That was the chat going on this morning with the hubster. So, we are coming up with some things we can do that make the changes permanent. That is the key.

In all areas of my life, business, relationship, health, money, adventure, etc. I have written down the things that I have loved about the lockdown, this is a great exercise to do as some may surprise you. Then I wrote down all the things I disliked about the lockdown…..some might even be the same! Now, I have a starting place to work from, so I can form a plan on how I am going to keep all my ‘wins’ there as I move forwards…….and take action on them.

Times have changed, for all of us, some changes are great and others not – that is life…..but if we don’t want to go straight back to feeling overwhelmed, stress, unhealthy, unhappy, then we too have to change.

A few things that I will stick with, not a complete list, but my starting list:

  • Trying new foods, recipes, baking, planning meals, and taking time to eat away from any distractions.
  • Exercising for myself, this means choosing things I really enjoy doing and not doing the things I feel I should. Walking, Cycling, Pilates, and Yoga are my top four.
  • Taking more time to connect with friends.
  • Having more space to just BE.
  • Gardening and growing more veg.
  • Whomever I’m with, being present with them, giving them all my attention.
  • Saying NO to things I intuitively know I do not want to do, but feel obliged.
  • Buying less stuff.
  • Stop trying to be ALL to everyone and just being me – that’s good enough.
  • Play loud music, dance more, laugh more.

Times are changing and we most likely will be too – so what will you be changing in your life?